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Titan Family Portal

You will need your child's name and birthday as it is listed in Power School.

Titan is a secure website that will enable you to use the internet to check your child's lunch money balance, add money to the account, and check to see what your child has been buying.  You may also set the account to send you an email when the account reaches a preset level.  Credit cards will be secure when using the site.  Even if you decide not to use the site to credit an account, you may use it to check the balance on your account and the other services.  There will be a $2.60 charge for each transaction to cover the bank and software charges.  VISA, Discover, and MasterCard may all be used. We hope this new innovation will be convenient for parents since you will be able to add money to your child's account any time, day or night.

Search for the Titan Family Portal on Google Play and the Apple App Store.